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Exodus Dispatching and Training Presents

How to Start Your Dispatching Business

from the Comfort of Your Own Home in 2024

Rated 5 Stars by our various students over the past four years and counting. Gain the confidence and skills you need to excel in this thriving industry. 


Specifically, our 90-day, Self-Paced, Online program provides you with the insider knowledge, strategies, and tools to effectively manage logistics and optimize routes.  Our other options are a great way to get started as well.  Check them out!


Great session! I hope to be joining the Dispatcher 101 training and becoming a dispatcher very soon. Thank you so much!!! Blessings.

- Rose Laury

2024 is your best opportunity to get into dispatching

You can make a serious income Dispatching Trucks, even if you have never done it before!




Our truck and freight dispatching rewards people who are committed and have the ability to organize and coordinate people, lanes and trucks.  Communication is key!


A number of people are now thriving with a career they never thought was possible and are now working from home, running their own businesses, allowing them to quit their 9-5 jobs.


There is room in this market for people who want to enter an industry America truly relies on.


Qualified Dispatchers are needed in 2023 and beyond!


Dispatcher 101 gives you the best foundation to build your lucrative Dispatching career.

2024: The Perfect Year to Launch Your Profitable Dispatching Business!

As e-commerce continues to move upwardly and once disrupted supply chains stabilize this year, a potential uptick in global trade means the increase in demand for effective dispatching is set to surge.

Learn at Your Own Pace with 90-Day, Self-Paced Training or other options!

Dispatcher 101 is specifically designed to give you the tools and content you’ll need to get started dispatching. Each training type or category is purposefully written and recorded to give you the exact blueprint to become a Freight Dispatcher.

Stay Connected DIRECTLY with Charles PERSONALLY & with Bi-weekly LIVE ZOOMS

Every student of Dispatch 101 has direct access to Charles M. directly by phone, email or LIVE Zoom. Ask those tough questions and learn from others within your Dispatching community.

Build Your Network in Our FACEBOOK Dispatcher 101 Members-Only Community

Our Dispatcher 101 MEMBERS ONLY Facebook group connects people all over the US and world who are on the road to becoming a freight Dispatcher. This is your opportunity to network and build professional relationships to give you a head start as a Dispatcher.

Get Access to Exclusive Bonuses

Recordings of all previous Mastermind Calls
​Workshops w Industry leaders and Alumni
​11 Most Sought After Resource Guides
​Dispatch Mastery Official Certification

Get Access to Exclusive Bonuses

Recordings of all Live ZOOM Trainings!
​3 Free eBooks and 1 Free Glossary
​Tons of industry Tools & Resource
​Dispatch 101 Templates and Documents

Meet Your Coach

Mr. Charles (A.K.A The People's Champ)

Charles and Tasha - Founders of Exodus LLC

Charles cares! Ask his wife (Tysha), ask his students, ask his business partners… you can even ask people living on the street who he regularly helps with food and money. Why? Because Charles cares and he demonstrates it everyday, in every way. To quote a former student “Charles changed my life”! 


The #1 goal of Charles and the Exodus Logistics Learning Center is to provide you with a quality alternative to traditional 9 to 5s that work extremely well and don’t break the bank to start. In fact, the reason Charles chose the “Exodus” for his company name was because he wanted to lead people out of the overworked, underpaid world of traditional employment. 


Charles takes great pride in the fact that he’s an honorable business owner. He fights hard to make sure that his programs are fairly priced and that he’s doing everything possible to make sure everyone under his care is successful. If you’ve ever met Charles, then you already know that Charles not only cares, but he keeps his word. Exodus Logistics Learning Center offers America’s #1 Dispatching and Freight Broker Programs… and Charles is bound and determined to make sure it stays that way!

Charles & Tysha

Image by jay huang

Updated regularly, Dispatcher 101 continues to set the standard for training in the trucking industry.

With Self-Paced Modules, downloadable templates, tools, resources and interactive LIVE Zoom calls, Dispatchers are given exclusive access to education from someone who has significantly influenced the Trucking Industry in the USA and abroad.


How to Start Dispatching Immediately

This Dispatcher 101 Training teaches you how to set up the system needed to keep your dispatching business running smoothly.  What does a dispatcher do? How to start dispatching immediately, The daily responsibilities of a truck Dispatcher, How to build a relationship with the drivers, How to find connections with Brokers or Shippers and MORE!

Mastering the Load Board

What are load boards?  How to obtain and book loads and negotiate rates and How to build relationships with Shippers and Brokers.  The load board is a database that has every load coming in and out of every state in real-time. Learn proven techniques on exactly how to MASTER the load board in this course!


How to Manage

Your Profits

What separates the trucking companies that just "get by" from the ones who make major profits? It has a lot to do with working smarter, not harder. This course allows you to assist your truckers in breaking down and maximizing their numbers.

Industry Hacks

Techniques and strategies to give the dispatcher a competitive edge. How to run your carrier's truck without a trailer, obtaining dedicated lanes, and booking partial loads  for example. Plus, there's a ton of extra valuable content that would take years to learn.


How to have Others

Work for You

In Dispatcher 101, you can also learn how to create a dispatch service and have OTHERS WORKING FOR YOU. Yes, have others booking loads for you! I share the benefits of starting your own dispatch service and will show you how to book smarter loads. I'll teach you how to duplicate yourself.

Live Q&A

Coaching ZOOMS

Get access to special member-only Live Q&A Sessions via ZOOM. On these ZOOM sessions, you'll be able to ask me any questions you need to speed up your implementation and get you results further and faster.

Online Meeting


Dispatch 101 Community

Get access to the Dispatcher 101 MEMBERS-ONLY Facebook Group where you'll be able to check-in with other members, ask questions and stay accountable to implementing your new-found knowledge.

Image by Josiah Farrow

Products we offer:

Load Board Only Monthly Access

For those who only need access to the Load Boards!

3 FREE eBooks, Free Glossary.


Bonus access to our How to Video Series

(Value $99/month)

Training Materials Only Kit

(Value $149)

For someone who just needs access to our training materials Forms and Documents, plus Tools & Resources!
​No formal training needed, just materials only!
Plus, you get rewarded a voucher towards the 90 day, self-paced training!

1-Day, 2-Hour Seminar

(Value $199)

Our 1-day, 2-hour LIVE Zoom Seminar provides a high-level overview of what dispatching is, so you can decide if you want long-term training!
​Everything from the training materials kit is included in this 1-day, 2-hour training seminar!
​Plus, you get rewarded a voucher towards the 90 day, self-paced training!

Dispatcher 101 Certificate Course

This CONDENSED online 30-day course provides a quiz-based, certificate-generated training in Dispatcher 101 in order to keep you engaged.

(Value $299)


(Value $399)

This program provides week-long training in Dispatcher 101 for those local individuals or those who happen to be in the area.  Located at our Exodus Logistics Learning Center, 3101 American Legion Rd., Suite 21A, Chesapeake, VA 23321, the week long training gives you a chance to engage with Charles (and Tysha), up close and in person.  Come meet and greet, plus get some good training and knowledge of the industry!  See you there!!!

90-Day, Self-Paced, Online, Ongoing Training

(Value $599)

This training is the best training for someone who needs their hand held throughout the lifecycle of the dispatching process.  Here we provide 4 very detailed self-paced modules, over 300 LIVE ZOOM recorded videos, access to 6 LIVE LOAD BOARDS, Forms & Documents, Tools & Resources, 3 FREE eBooks, 1 FREE Glossary and much, much more!!!





(This applies to 90-day Training ONLY!)


Now's the Time
to Start Your

Dispatching Business

Most people will wait until the timing is perfect to start learning how to Dispatch Trucks. Those people will be left behind by those who take action and start their journey today. 


Enroll in Dispatch 101, learn how to acquire carriers to dispatch for, work from home as a Dispatcher and create a business that brings in $$$ each week…without any prior training or experience!


We will give you full access to the Dispatch 101 Self-Paced Ongoing Training for 3 months (90 Days), so you can go through the modules, start your business, then get industry leading support from our network, Facebook group and online support.

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