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Dispatcher 101 & Freight Broker 101 Training BOOK NOW
Exodus Logistics Learning Center
America’s #1 Dispatcher & Freight Broker Training

Dispatcher 101 FAQs
What is the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page?The BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page is where members who have successfully ENROLLED into our Dispatcher 101 Training for Beginners gain access to all of the tools, resources, forms, documents, load boards, ebooks, LIVE Trainings, etc. we have available as part of your membership. This page is where members will be spending most of their time studying and learning the course.
How do I get to the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page after email and password approval?
How can I access the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page?You access the page by having your email and password APPROVED by us AFTER you have initially ENROLLED into the Dispatcher 101 ONGOING Training and followed the email login/set up instructions. You will receive a confirmation email saying you have been APPROVED and to confirm this by checking your email and click a link in the email to access the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page. If you are unable to access the page from the email, try accessing it directly.
What is all included in the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page?The BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page includes: - Orientation - Information concerning Business set up - 4 Training Modules - Forms and Documents - Tools and Resources - Training Videos Library - eBooks in Video format - 6 Load Boards - LIVE ZOOM Trainings 3 days a week, every 2nd & 4th week of each month! - and host of other materials and resources
How do I maintain having access to the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page?When you ENROLL into our Dispatcher 101 Training for Beginners ONGOING Training, you pay an initial enrollment fee. Exactly 90 DAYS after that initial enrollment date, we invoice you monthly in order to maintain having access to the portal. In order to maintain access, just simply pay the monthly subscription and this can be cancelled at anytime.
How much is the monthly subscription/membership fee?$39.99
What happens if I cancel my monthly subscription/membership?Cancelling your monthly subscription means you will be REMOVED from having access to the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU and we would cancel invoicing you the $39.99.
What happens if I cancel my monthly subscription/membership then decide I want back in. What happens there?You would need to start the invoicing process over again!
What is the "EMAIL & PASSWORD SETUP" page for?"The "EMAIL & PASSWORD SETUP" page is where a new member will go to setup their email address and password in order to gain access to our "BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU" page after they have purchased the Dispatcher 101 ONGOING Training for Beginners.
What is the process of setting up my email and password for approval?Once a member has enrolled into the Dispatcher 101 ONGOING Training for Beginners course, they will receive a download link or PDF attachment of instructions, one of which is to go to the "EMAIL & PASSWORD SETUP" page to enter their email and password for approval to our "BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU" page. Once the new member clicks submit after entering their email and password, we get an alert in order to approval the new member. Once we approve the new member, they should be able to access the portal.
Can I use a DIFFERENT EMAIL other than the one I enrolled with?YES. You can use a different email other than the one you enrolled with, but please be sure to inform us via email at so that we can change it in our system to reflect this. Otherwise we would never know of this change. Thank you.
How long does it take to get APPROVED?Approval is usually the same day, or next day at the very latest depending on how busy we have been with prior commitments, etc. If you have not been approved within that time frame, please text us at 757-515-1684 or email us at We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused. Thank you.
Do I receive some type of CONFIRMATION EMAIL saying I have been APPROVED?YES. You should receive a confirmation email from us (which is usually auto-generated after we approve you) saying you have been approved and to confirm your email.
How do I confirm my email after APPROVAL?You simply log in with the email you used to setup access to the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page and click the link to confirm. It may also instruct you to go to the BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU page from within your email as well by simply clicking the link in the email.
What happens when I click the link in the email to go to the Back Office Portal Main Menu page and nothing happens? How do I get to the Members Portal Access page?If this happens, then go directly to the "BACK OFFICE PORTAL MAIN MENU" page from our website and it should work. If this does not work, contact us at 757-515-1684, 757-695-9565 or via email at Thank you.
What is an Independent Freight Dispatcher?An Independent Freight Dispatcher is someone who is responsible (contractually) for finding and booking loads/cargo/freight for Truck Drivers/Carriers/Owner Operators. Your job is to talk to and negotiate good rates with the Brokers, who posted their loads on what is called a "Load Board". Your job also is to get your Truck Driver/Carrier/Owner Operator"Setup" or "Onboarded" or "Approved" to work with the Broker with whom you just called from the posting of a load on the load board. There are additional steps and processes involved, but this is essentially the high-level overview of things
You mentioned "Independent Freight Dispatcher". Are there other types?"Yes. You have Dispatchers who work internally for trucking companies (as employees of that company) and only dispatch the trucks for those companies with the freight that they have procured either directly from customers or via brokers. Independent Freight Dispatchers, however, are not limited to just dispatching only for a trucking company. They have the ability to dispatch for whomever they are contracted (Dispatcher Agreement and Carrier Profile) to dispatch for.
What is the difference between a Independent Freight Dispatcher and a Freight Broker?The difference between an Independent Freight Dispatcher and a Freight Broker is that the Dispatcher is the "middleman" between the Broker and the Carrier. The Freight Broker is the "middleman" between the Customer/Shipper and the Carrier.
Do you need an MC (Motor Carrier) or USDOT (Dept. of Transportation) number/authority to be an Independent Freight Dispatcher?No. It is not a requirement to have an MC or DOT to be a dispatcher. Having an MC or DOT means you have what is called an Operating Authority. When you apply for an Operating Authority with the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration), you fill out the OP-1 form. This is the application for a Motor Carrier of Property OR Broker Authority. Nowhere on the form does it say Dispatcher.
Do you need a business license, etc. to be an Independent Freight Dispatcher?"If you are going to be doing contractual business with someone else and collecting revenue for your service, then it is ADVISABLE that you operate as a LEGITIMATE business entity. Get your business and EIN, etc. please!
Do I need to have some type of insurance as an Independent Freight Dispatcher?If you are working from home, I would say NO. BUT, if you plan on scaling your business by hiring employees and leasing a "brick-n-mortar" (building) space, then LIABILITY insurance should at least be a consideration.
What kind of name should I consider for my Independent Dispatching company?It depends. If you plan on only doing dispatching for this business long-term and not scaling your business both vertically (adding sub-dispatchers) as well as horizontally (trucking company, freight brokerage, etc.), then just having a name that has "dispatching" in it should be fine. But, if you plan on in the future starting a trucking company or opening a freight brokerage, then having name that has something like "logistics" in it could work.
Can you dispatch and bring in revenue BEFORE you get your business set up?I have seen this happen, but it is not advisable. If you do, then be sure to keep track of the income you generated prior to your business being set up so that you can account for that if need be for tax purposes.
Can you dispatch carriers while learning how to be a dispatcher at the SAME time?Of course. Kind of like "killing 2 birds with 1 stone". Of course have your business set up in place.
How long does it take on average to start seeing income from dispatching?On average, our students/members start to see revenue anywhere between 30 to 90 days. This is from the time they set their business up to when they acquire their first carrier and book their first load with that carrier. Each person is wired differently, as far as motivation, determination, drive, and consistency.
Is the Dispatcher 101 ONGOING course also considered a self-paced training course?Yes. In addition to the LIVE trainings 3 days a week every 2nd & 4th week of each month via ZOOM (Wednesdays at 6 pm EST, Saturdays at 12 noon EST and Sundays at 11 am EST ), the platform is self-paced, learn as you go.
Is being an Independent Freight Dispatcher ILLEGAL???This is a sensitive subject. Particularly by the Freight Broker community, such as TIA (Transportation Intermediaries Association) who believe dispatchers are acting as "glorified" Freight Brokers without having the "authority" of Freight Brokers. Let's define Freight Brokers according to 49 CFR part 371.2 (a) - (d): *** (a) Broker means a person who, for compensation, arranges, or offers to arrange, the transportation of property by an authorized motor carrier. Motor carriers, or persons who are employees or bona fide agents of carriers (dispatchers), are not brokers within the meaning of this section when they arrange or offer to arrange the transportation of shipments which they are authorized to transport and which they have accepted and legally bound themselves to transport. *** (b) Bona fide agents are persons who are part of the normal organization of a motor carrier and perform duties under the carrier's directions pursuant to a preexisting agreement (DISPATCHER AGREEMENT and CARRIER PROFILE) which provides for a continuing relationship, precluding (Prevent from happening or make impossible) the exercise of discretion on the part of the agent (DISPATCHER) in allocating traffic between the carrier and others. Dispatchers are not "authorized" to arrange for the transportation of property by using motor carriers. That is a Freight Broker. In order to be "AUTHORIZED" to "ARRANGE" for the transportation of property, you need: 1. Broker License (Authority) 2. Bond (Surety or Trust Fund) 3. BOC-3 (Designation of Process Server - for claims filed) 4. UCR (Unified Carrier Registration - 0 to 2 assets for Brokers) 5. W9 6. COI (Certificate Of Insurance - Contingent Cargo or Errors and Ommissions) 7. Credit Application/Notice of Assignment for Factoring If someone who is a dispatcher decides to get an operating authority, then they are no longer a dispatcher. They are either a motor carrier or a freight broker, depending on what they selected on the OP-1 form. In order to arrange to transport freight by using a motor carrier, you have to first procure the freight from the Customers/Shippers. You do that contractually through a Broker/Shipper Agreement or directly with the Customer/Shipper and the motor carrier. Nowhere in that equation is the dispatcher. So by definition a dispatcher cannot "ARRANGE" for the transportion and movement of freight, because they do not have the "AUTHORITY" to do so. What dispatchers can do is connect or contract (Dispatcher Agreement and Carrier Profile) with motor carriers and/or trucking companies and book loads with Freight Brokers. In this instance, dispatchers are representing the motor carriers. Also in this instance, who do you think is "ARRANGING" for the transportation of property here, the dispatcher or the broker? It is the broker, of course not the dispatcher because the broker is the one who is "authorized" (dispatchers are not) and has procured the freight from the customer/shipper and is now "arranging" the transportation or movement of that freight by posting the load on the load board and motor carriers, trucking companies or dispatch companies representing them, are booking those loads. Hopefully, this makes sense.
I have NEVER used ZOOM before. What is ZOOM?Zoom is a web conferencing platform that is used for audio and/or video conferencing. You need a free account to start your own calls for up to 100 people; paid versions can support up to 1,000 people. You can make unlimited phone calls, hold unlimited meetings, and even record both Go to in order to set up your FREE Zoom account so that you can access and join a Zoom meeting.
Can I log in to Dispatcher 101 ZOOM meetings without being an ONGOING member and/or having Back Office Portal Main Menu?Yes. We allow guests to come in to join our LIVE Trainings. This is part of our promotional and marketing strategies. Also, you do not need to be a member of the ONGOING Training to access the ZOOM LIVE Trainings. We will let people in as we see fit.
What is the Meeting ID and Passcode used for in ZOOM?The Meeting ID is what gets you to a hosts meeting room for their specific zoom meeting. The Passcode gives you permission and access to their specific LIVE Zoom Training.
What does the error message: "This Meeting Is for Authorized Attendees Only" mean?"When you get the error message that says - "This Meeting Is for Authorized Attendees Only" - this means the teacher (host) has their Zoom Meeting setting to where only students (clients) that are signed into their Zoom account can join the class. So you must be LOGGED into your SPECIFIC Zoom installation on your side, either phone or laptop/desktop with your email and password. Then you select to JOIN a meeting, enter OUR Meeting ID and PASSCODE and you should be fine.
Do you offer Dispatcher 101 LIVE ZOOM Trainings?Yes. LIVE trainings are offered on Wednesdays at 6 pm EST, Saturdays at 12 noon EST and Sundays at 11 am EST via ZOOM, every 2nd & 4th week of each month. Visit Page
How often are the Dispatcher 101 LIVE ZOOM Trainings?LIVE trainings via ZOOM are given 3 days a week: Wednesdays at 6 pm EST, Saturdays at 12 noon, and Sundays at 11 am EST via ZOOM, every 2nd & 4th week of each month. We are in the Eastern Time Zone part of the country. Please be mindful of your time zone as it relates to ours. Thank you. More Info
When are the days and times of the Dispatcher 101 LIVE trainings?Wednesdays at 6 pm EST, Saturdays at 12 noon EST, and Sundays at 11 am EST, every 2nd & 4th week of each month. We are Eastern Standard Time Zone. Please be mindful of your time zone as it relates to ours. Thank you.
What is the cost of the Dispatcher 101 Training Materials Kit ONLY?The cost of the Training Materials Kit ONLY is $199.
How do I purchase the Dispatcher 101 Training Materials Kit?By going to the Training Materials $199 purchase page at and select "Purchase Now".
What is all included in the Training Kit?Everything that is included in the Seminar Kit, plus: - Workflow of Dispatching - Role of a Dispatcher - Map of USA - Load Details Cheat Sheet
Do I get access to the Members Portal with the purchase of the Dispatcher 101 Training Materials?No, access to the Members Portal is reserved only for Dispatcher 101 ONGOING Training members.
Do I get access to the Dispatcher 101 LIVE Trainings with the purchase of the Dispatcher 101 Training Materials Kit ONLY?No, access to the LIVE Trainings is reserved only for Dispatcher 101 ONGOING Training members.
If I want to continue with the Dispatcher 101 ONGOING Training, will the Dispatcher 101 Training Material Kit ONLY cost that I paid be deducted?"Yes, simply scroll down to the very bottom of the Training Materials purchase page and click the "Request A Voucher" button. We will be alerted and will create a special of the difference between the cost of the ONGOING Training minus the Training Materials cost, plus tax.
How much is the Dispatcher 101 ONGOING course?Currently, the enrollment price of the course is $399 single member and $599 for the 2 for 1, plus a $39.99/month subscription due starting exactly 90 days after initial enrollment. The purpose of the $39.99/month subscription is to maintain access to our members portal and the tools/resources/load boards, etc. You can cancel the monthly subscription anytime. Go to Page
How do I sign up for the Dispatcher 101 ONGOING Training?Go to
What all comes with the ONGOING Training?Back Office Portal Main Menu (with email and password setup), Orientation, 3 FREE eBooks, 1 Glossary, Business Setup advice, 4 Modules, 6 Load Boards, Forms and Document Templates, Tools and Resources, LIVE Zoom Trainings - 3 times a week, every 2nd & 4th week of each month and a Training Videos Library.
How long are the classes, per each Zoom session, and how long is the ONGOING course overall?"Each will last up to no more than 2 hours at a time. The ONGOING course can last as long as you maintain a monthly subscription of $39.99 for Back Office Portal Main Menu and its contents. This monthly subscription starts 90 days after your enrollment date and can be cancelled anytime.
How will the self-paced portion of the ONGOING course be accessed?The self-paced portion of the course will be accessed by the member having created a login username and password upon initial enrollment.
Do you get a certificate upon completion?Yes. We now offer "Certificates of Achievement".
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