Dispatcher 101 & Freight Broker 101 Training BOOK NOW
Exodus Logistics Learning Center
America’s #1 Dispatcher & Freight Broker Training
A.I. Dispatch Integration
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Sign up for our August 26th - A.I. & Dispatch Integration Course

Until Further Notice!
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SPECIAL: The first 50 people to sign up, receive $25 off! Sign up a friend after you sign up, receive another $25 off!
​Monday, August 26, 2024 starting at 6 pm EST, the Exodus Logistics Learning Center will be holding a month-long class on A.I. & Dispatch Integration and how to properly use A.I. to keep carriers efficient.
​​Classes will be Mondays & Thursdays at 6 pm EST for 4 weeks, starting Monday, August 26, 2024.
Monday classes consist of basic A.I. instruction with use cases (20-30 min.) of how to properly talk to A.I., Dispatch basics (20-30 min.), and how the two can work together for the benefit of the dispatch service and their carrier(s). This will be done LIVE via Zoom!
Thursday classes will consist of pre-recorded Q & A amongst the instructors reviewing concepts and answering questions from Monday classes.
Learn how to leverage A.I. for your dispatch service. Gain accuracy, higher productivity, precision, better control over profit and loss, and forecast your pay with confidence!
Join our 4-week, A.I. & Dispatch Integration Course
Starting Monday, August 26, discover the power of A.I. whether you are a beginner or experience!
BEGINNERS: Learn how A.I. can help you operate with the efficiency and output of a seasoned veteran!
EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONAL: Master the art of creating a personal assistant that allows you to execute processes in parallel, doubling your efficiency! Achieve the output of 2 people, turning an 8-hour workday into 4 hours. Higher Output = Higher Pay!
Go to https://www.exodusdispatchingandtraining.com/dispatcher... for details!
Questions, call 757-515-1684 or email us at exoduslogisticsllc@yahoo.com!
Thank you.